Monday, October 11, 2021 - 08:00 am

Bismarck, N.D. – Tax Commissioner Ryan Rauschenberger reminds individual income taxpayers who filed for an extension that their deadline is approaching.

“The individual income tax filing extension deadline is Friday, October 15,” Rauschenberger said. “Each year, taxpayers are required to pay tax owed by the April 15 deadline. However, due to COVID-related extensions, all taxpayers were granted an automatic waiver to file and pay their taxes by May 17, instead of April 15 in 2021.”

Taxpayers who were granted a federal extension may file their returns without penalty through October 15. While electronic filing is encouraged, paper filers must have their return postmarked by October 15, or they may drop it off between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. at the Office of State Tax Commissioner in the North Dakota State Capitol.

Taxpayers who did not pay in full by May 17 are charged interest on the unpaid balance. If a taxpayer does not file by the October 15 extension deadline, penalties will apply. 

For questions regarding a state income tax return or to schedule an appointment for assistance in filing a return, taxpayers may call 701-328-1247.

Taxpayers can stay up-to-date on North Dakota tax-related matters by visiting the Office of State Tax Commissioner’s website at or by connecting on FacebookTwitter, or LinkedIn.