The Office of State Tax Commissioner works with other assessing organizations to coordinate training and resources for assessors – local government officials who determine the value of property for taxation purposes.
Assessment officials are required to take online courses through the International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO) to obtain certification. Pre-authorized substitutions may be used for certain courses.
Assessment Officials Certification Brochure
Upcoming Course - Fundamentals of Mass Appraisals - Course 300
The Office of State Tax Commissioner will be coordinating with the North Dakota Association of Assessing Officers (NDAAO) for an educational opportunity for appraisers this spring. Fundamentals of Mass Appraisals - Course 300 will be May 5th through the 9th at the Comfort Inn located at 1516 27th St N in Mandan, North Dakota.
This course introduces students to mass appraisal and is a prerequisite for the IAAO 300-level course series. Topics covered include single-property appraisal as it compares to mass appraisal, components of a mass appraisal system, data requirements and analysis, introduction to statistics, use of assessment ratio studies in mass appraisal, modeling of the three approaches to value, and selection of a mass appraisal system.
The course fee is $870.
Students will need to fill out two forms to register. The payment submission form, which will need to be mailed to NDAAO and the online registration form. Registration closes on April 25, 2025.
There will be no refunds given to registrants who cancel; only substitutions will be accepted, unless approved by the NDAAO Board President and the Education Coordinator.
Assessor Official Education Courses
Class 1 Assessment Official Courses
To earn Class 1 Certification, assessors must successfully complete 180 hours of instruction as follows:
- 50 Hours Online Instruction - IAAO
- 801 - Site Analysis
- 802 - Introduction to Cost Approach to Value
- 803 - Introduction to the Sales Comparison Approach
- 804 - Introduction to the Income Approach to Value
- 805 - Mass Appraisal of Residential Property
- 30 Hours Instruction - Course 101 - IAAO Fundamentals of Real Property Appraisal
- 30 Hours Instruction - Course 102 - IAAO Income Approach to Valuation Course
- 30 Hours Instruction - Course 300 - IAAO Fundamentals of Mass Appraisal
- 30 Hours Classroom Instruction - Course 202 - Office of State Commissioner - Agricultural Land Valuation
- 10 Hours Self-Guided Instruction on Prescribed Forms, Abstracts and Sales Ratio - Office of State Commissioner
Requires 20 hours of continuing education during term to certificate. NDCC 57-02-01.1-6
Class 2 Assessment Official Courses
To earn Class 2 Certification, assessors must successfully complete 80 hours of instruction as follows:
- 40 Hours Online Instruction - IAAO
- 801 - Site Analysis
- 802 - Introduction to Cost Approach to Value
- 803 - Introduction to the Sales Comparison Approach
- 804 - Introduction to the Income Approach to Value
- 10 Hours Self-Guided Instruction -Agricultural Land Valuation through the North Dakota Office of State Tax Commissioner
- 30 Hours Instruction - Course 101- IAAO - Fundamentals of Real Property Appraisal -OR- 30 Hours Instruction - Course 102 - IAAO Income Approach to Valuation Course
Requires 10 hours of continuing education during term to certificate. NDCC 57-02-01.1-7
Upcoming Courses & Registration
Courses will be held according to the following schedule. Dates and locations are updated as they are confirmed. Registration will be available here when courses are open.
Upcoming Course Schedule
- Spring 2025 - 300 IAAO - Fundamentals of Mass Appraisal
- Fall 2025 -101 IAAO - Fundamentals of Real Property Appraisal
- Spring 2026 - 102 IAAO - Income Approach to Valuation
- Fall 2026 - 202 - Agricultural Land Valuation
- Spring 2027 - 300 IAAO - Fundamentals of Mass Appraisal
- Fall 2027 - 101 IAAO - Fundamentals of Real Property Appraisal
- Spring 2028 - 102 IAAO - Income Approach to Valuation
- Fall 2028 - 202 - Agricultural Land Valuation
Recertification Exams
After completing the above needed courses, you’ll receive a code to take the required test online.
Additional Education Resources
Got 15?! Webinars
The Office of State Tax Commissioner partners with the North Dakota Association of Counties to offer a monthly Property Tax webinar called, Got 15?! The 15-minute webinar is free and available to all each month. Visit the North Dakota Association of Counties to find the schedule of upcoming webinars and register: